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React Hooks and conditions in one place!

Fancy Hooks are set of hooks let you apply conditions to React Hooks.

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Assume that you want to implement a search input. It gets data from API while user is typing. But there is a restriction. To make a request to API there should be at least three characters into the input.

// App.jsx

export function App() {
const [input, setInput] = React.useState('');

// (1) Callback
() => {
if (input.length > 2) {
// API call...
// (2) Dependency list

const handleChagen = (evt) => {

return <input onChange={handleChange} value={input} />;

With useFancyEffect you can bring the conditions to a helper function.

// App.jsx

import { useFancyEffect } from '@fancyreact/fancyhooks';

export function App() {
const [input, setInput] = React.useState('');

// (1) Callback
() => {
// API call...
// (2) Dependency list
// (3) Helper
({ newDeps }) => newDeps[0].length > 3,

const handleChange = (evt) => {

return <input onChange={handleChange} value={input} />;

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newDeps is current dependency list passing in an object to helper by useFancyEffect. The callback functions will execute if the result of the helper function is true.


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