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It is like React.useEffect but has a helper which is fancy!

useFancyEffect(callback, dependencyList, fancyHelper);

fancyHelper is Fancy!

useFancyEffect passes an object with the following keys to fancyHelper.

  • newDeps Current dependency list. It passed to useFancyEffect as first argument.
  • prevDeps Previous dependency list.
  • count Number of timesdependencyList updated.


Here are a few examples explaining usage of useFancyEffect.


Executes callback if input is not empty.

// App.jsx

import { useFancyEffect } from '@fancyreact/fancyhooks';

export function App() {
const [input, setInput] = React.useState('');

// Callback,
// going to be executed
() => {
// API call...
// Dependency list
// Helper funcation,
// allows executing the `callback` if `input` is not empty
({ newDeps }) => newDeps[0].length > 0

const handleChange = (evt) => {

return <input onChange={handleChange} value={input} />;

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Executes callback if numer of dependency list updates are more than one.

// App.jsx

import { useFancyEffect } from '@fancyreact/fancyhooks';

export function App() {
const [input, setInput] = React.useState('');

// Callback,
// going to be executed
() => {
// API call...
console.log('Calling API...');
// Dependency list
// Helper funcation,
// allows executing the `callback` if `input` changes more than on time,
// helps you ignore first rendering
({ count }) => count > 1

const handleChange = (evt) => {

return <input onChange={handleChange} value={input} />;

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Executes callback if at least one of the values of state object not changed. It prevents calling API if both buttons are clickec and you click one of them once again.

// App.jsx

import { useFancyEffect } from '@fancyreact/fancyhooks';

export function App() {
const [clicked, setClicked] = React.useState({ first: false, second: false });

const handleClick = (name) => {
setClicked({ ...clicked, [name]: true });

// Callback,
// going to be executed
() => {
// API call...
console.log('Calling API...');
// Dependency list
// Helper funcation,
// allows executing the `callback` at least one button not clicked,
// notice that initial `prevDeps` is `undefined`
({ prevDeps }) => prevDeps && (!prevDeps[0].first || !prevDeps[0].second)

return (
<button onClick={() => handleClick('first')}>first</button>
<button onClick={() => handleClick('second')}>second</button>

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Initial prevDeps

Notice that inital value of prevDeps is undefined.

How about React.useEffect

If you ignore helper function, the useFancyEffect acts just like React.useEffect.

// App.jsx

import { useFancyEffect } from '@fancyreact/fancyhooks';

export function App() {
const [input, setInput] = React.useState('');

// Acts like `React.useEffect`
() => {
// API call...

const handleChagen = (evt) => {

return <input onChange={handleChange} value={input} />;

On mount

If the dependency list is an empty arry the fancyHelper will automatically be ignored by useFancyEffect. So, on mount effects and their cleanups (unmount) always execute.

Deal with cleanup

Logically cleanup function will be executed if callback function executes. So, if fancyHelper prevents executing callback, no cleanup would be available.

What is count

count is number of times dependency list udpated. It does not matter if fancyHelper executed or not, it is counting dependency list updates.